
Computing the SHA-512 hash of a value in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(sha512 value)
  • Input: buff | uint | int
  • Output: (buff 64)

Why it matters

The sha512 function is crucial for:

  1. Computing the SHA-512 hash of a given value.
  2. Implementing cryptographic operations in smart contracts.
  3. Ensuring data integrity by generating unique hashes.
  4. Simplifying the process of handling cryptographic hashing in smart contracts.

When to use it

Use sha512 when you need to:

  • Compute the SHA-512 hash of a given value.
  • Implement cryptographic operations in your smart contract.
  • Generate unique hashes to ensure data integrity.
  • Handle cryptographic hashing operations.

Best Practices

  • Ensure the input value is correctly formatted and valid.
  • Use meaningful variable names for better readability.
  • Combine with other cryptographic functions for comprehensive security management.
  • Handle the possible error cases to ensure robust contract behavior.

Practical Example: Computing a SHA-512 Hash

Let's implement a function that computes the SHA-512 hash of a given buffer:

(define-public (compute-sha512 (input (buff 32)))
  (sha512 input)

;; Usage
(compute-sha512 0x68656c6c6f20776f726c6421212121212121212121212121212121212121212121) 
;; Returns 0x6fcee9a7b7a7b821d241c03c82377928bc6882e7a08c78a4221199bfa220cdc55212273018ee613317c8293bb8d1ce08d1e017508e94e06ab85a734c99c7cc34

This example demonstrates:

  1. Using sha512 to compute the hash of a given buffer.
  2. Implementing a public function to handle the hash computation.
  3. Handling both successful and error cases.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Using sha512 with incorrectly formatted or invalid input values, causing the operation to fail.
  2. Assuming the hash will always be valid, leading to unhandled error cases.
  3. Not handling all possible conditions, resulting in incomplete cryptographic hashing.
  4. Overlooking the need for proper error handling and validation.
  • sha256: Computes the SHA-256 hash of the input.
  • sha512/256: Computes the SHA-512/256 hash of the input.
  • keccak256: Computes the KECCAK-256 hash of the input.


The sha512 function is a fundamental tool for computing SHA-512 hashes in Clarity smart contracts. It allows developers to implement cryptographic operations, ensuring data integrity and simplifying cryptographic hashing. When used effectively, sha512 enhances the reliability and maintainability of your smart contract code by providing a clear and concise way to handle cryptographic hashing operations.